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Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Friday, March 11, 2011

Finally a new episode of Evil Pea

I know, I know, its been 2 days where the hell have I been, right? Between work and school and my car lets just say its been a hectic week. I apologize. Heres a brand spankin new Evil Pea to settle the mood.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Im sorry everyone

Im sorry there isn't a comic today. My car broke down and it has been an extremely hectic day. I'm finally home and now all I want to do is relax and go to bed. I will make it up tomorrow by making 2 comics. Have a happy day. :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Special Issue of Evil Pea!

So I realized just taking pictures of my drawings and posting them up here isn't really that diffucult to do. I have realized drawing my comics up in paint first make them look professional and they're easier to read. Even though it takes me about an hour to finish I think that you will enjoy the quality of them more. So here you go my first comic made on paint!

Day 2

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Daily Adventures of Evil Pea Day 1

Welcome to the adventures of Evil Pea! When I was younger a friend and I created this character and he has just been sitting in my closet all these years. I have decided to bring him back to life and create some new comics. Every day I plan to post a new one up on here and try to get you all to like it enough to donate to my "help me get to florida" fund. So enjoy and thank you to anyone who donates! :)